@ -22,22 +22,28 @@ class BikeCsvImporter |
end |
def run(dry_run) |
result = {imported: {}, skipped: {}} |
imported_count, skipped_count = 0, 0 |
puts "Performing a #{dry_run ? 'DRY RUN' : 'LIVE RUN'} of import" |
fetch do |bike_hash| |
bike = new_bike bike_hash |
check_method = dry_run ? :valid? : :save |
if bike.try check_method |
result[:imported][bike.shop_id] = bike.inspect |
puts "Imported #{bike.shop_id}: #{bike}" |
imported_count += 1 |
else |
result[:skipped][bike.try(:shop_id) || bike_hash.values.first] = bike.try(:errors).try(:messages) |
puts "Skipped #{bike.try(:shop_id) || bike_hash.values.first}: #{bike.try(:errors).try(:full_messages).try :join, '; '}" |
skipped_count += 1 |
end |
end |
result |
puts "#{imported_count} bikes imported, #{skipped_count} bikes skipped, total of #{imported_count + skipped_count} rows in the CSV" |
end |
def analyze(fields = []) |
puts "Analyzing CSV values frequency for #{fields.any? ? fields.join(', ') + ' field' : 'all fields'}" |
fields = fields.map &:downcase |
grouped = {} |
fetch do |bike_hash| |
@ -48,7 +54,14 @@ class BikeCsvImporter |
grouped[key][value] += 1 |
end |
end |
grouped |
grouped.each do |field, values| |
puts "#{field}:" |
values.each do |value, count| |
puts "\t#{value.inspect}: #{count}" |
end |
puts "\tTotal of #{values.count} distinct values" |
end |
end |