location_corrected:Your location was corrected from "%{original}" to "%{corrected}". If this doesn't reflect your intended location, you can change this again in the contact info step.
confirm_transfer_ownership:By transferring ownership, you will lose administrative capabilities such as deletion and approving new facilitators. Are you sure you want to transfer ownership to %{user_name}?
description:Onthis page you can schedule the meals that you will be serving.
no_locations_warning:Before you can add meals, you must first add locations.
description:Onthis page you can schedule events. Events are any type of event that isn't a meal or a workshop. You can scheulde group meetings, parties, or group ride for example.
no_locations_warning:Before you can add events, you must first add locations.
description:Onthis page you can schedule workshops and publish your schedule to the front page.
no_locations_warning:Before you can schedule workshops, you must first add locations.
description:The housing tool can be used to help you set up visitors that have requested to be housed with a host. When you see an error icon beside a host's space or a guest's details, hover over it to see warnings. Ideally you should only check marks which will indicate that all hosts and guests are happy.
description:Locations are used to schedule workshops, events, and meals. Once your schedule is published, users will be able to see the name and address and be given a link to a map so that they can find their way.
title:Give your location a title, for example "The Bike Kitchen" or "Smith Park"
meal_title:Give your meal a title, for example "Breakfast"
meal_info:Describe your meal. This will only be visible to conference hosts.
address:Enter the street address (without the city) of the location
space:The space type will help you to schedule workshops. If workshops will occur in this space, select "Meeting Room", "Repair Space", or "Outdoor Space" as you feel this space best matches. Otherwise select event space.
amenities:Amenities match up to workshop needs. Selecting the amenities will help you match up a workshop with this location when a facilitator has requested a specific amenity.
description:Edit basic info about your conference. Here you can open or close registration, edit what shows up on the front page, set up your payment details, and add members to your organization so that they can access these pages too.
paypal_info:PayPal info is used for donations and fee payments. You must enter all fields to enable online fee payments, see the <a href="https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/api/apiCredentials/#creating-an-api-signature" target="_blank">PayPal API credential guide</a> for more information.
description:Here you can set up how users will pay you for registration
payment_amounts:Suggested Payment Amounts
payment_amounts:Enter up to five suggested payment amounts. Users will still be able to select any amount including none but these amounts will show up as easy to select buttons on the 'Donations' page.
How:The host city has the responsibility of mediating safer space issues. They will decide what constitutes a warning and what constitutes expulsion from the conference.
Why:In order to set a common ground, we state our shared beliefs and desires for the space which is Bike!Bike!. We rally around these ideas for inspiration and to ensure that if there is behaviour which does not make us feel safe, we have something to point to. By agreeing to a commitment of mutual respect, we hope that if conflict does arise, we will remember what we have agreed to, and act accordingly.
accessible:We commit to making spaces as accessible as possible; physically, socially, and personally.
commitment:We enter with a commitment to mutual respect, mutual aid, anti-oppression advocacy, conflict resolution, anti-violence, and community building.
Policy_Agreement:Ensuring that all attendees feel welcome, safe, and respected at all times is especially important to us all. Please ensure that you have fully read and understand our safer spaces policy below, if you have any questions or concerns you can reach out to the organizers at any time.
Confirm_Agreement:By clicking the "I Agree" button, you are pledging to do your best to uphold Bike!Bike!'s safer space agreement. Thank you!
Registration_Info:Please fill in this registration form to help us prepare for your arrival to %{city}. If you wish to ask questions or tell us information we did not ask, please fill in the preferences field at the bottom of the page or use the contact us link.
Payment:Thank you for completing your registration. We'll see you at Bike!Bike! Payment is by donation and can be done now or upon arrival but to help us fund the conference, we ask that you pay the registration donation as soon as you can.
email_confirm:Go to your inbox! You should see an email from Bike!Bike! in just a few moments. There will be a link in the email for you to click on. Check your spam box if you do not see it. If you encounter any problems, please contact us.
confirm_email_address:We ask that you first confirm your email address, once your email address is confirmed you will be able to complete registration, add workshops and pay your registration donation fee. If you have already registered, you can re-confirm you e-mail address to modify your your registration details.
Workshops:Workshops are organized and run by attendees, they can be about anything that might concern community bicycle projects and can be in any format including presentations, hands-on workshops, discussion groups, and bicycle rides. If you would like to host you own workshop you can click on the "create workshop" button.
Stats:Check Out who's coming and what they've paid so far. See at a glance how much accommodation is needed and what people prefer to eat.
Email_Participants:This page is used to contact all participants. Text can be entered as [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics). Pressing 'test' will send the email only to you, make sure you do this and use caution in general before pressing 'send'
Contact_Info:Please let us know a little bit about you.
Create_Workshop:At Bike!Bike! anyone can lead a workshop or just propose and idea that someone else can volunteer to lead. If, where, and when the workshop will be scheduled will ultimately be decided by the conference organizers.
Workshops_Looking_For_Facilitators:Would you like to lend a hand facilitating a workshop proposed by someone else? Below is a list of workshops that are actively looking for volunteers, if you are interested in helping out you can make a facilitation request.
Pre_Registration_Details:By completing the pre-registration process you are letting us know that you are interested in coming, it allows us to contact you when we have news, and lets us better plan by knowing who might be coming. Once registration is fully open, we will need to ask a few more questions and you can confirm whether or not you will actually be coming.
Registration_Details:By completing the registration process you are confirming with us that you are coming, it allows us to contact you when we have news, and lets us better plan by knowing how many people will hosted. Once registered you will be given access to facilitate your own workshop and view details on existing workshops. If you are already registered or have pre-registered, you can use this form sign in and access or update your details.
Verify_Account:In order to confirm that you are a real person and that we will be able to contact you later, please verify your email address. We will send you an email that will allow you to continue with the registration process.
can_provide_housing:Hosting visiting conference attendees is an important part of Bike!Bike!, it allows many people who would not normally be able to afford the cost of accommodations the chance to come to the conference and lets attendees really get to know our city and its residents. You will need to grant access to your home to guests overnight keeping in mind that events can sometimes go late into the evening. If your home will not be accessible during the day you should make sure to clearly communicate this with your guests.
address:Your address and phone number will be shared with your guests and conference organizers.
space:How much space do you have to share?
availability:The most common arrival and departure dates for attendees are the first and last day of the conference but people often arrive earlier or later. When will your space be available?
considerations:Organizers will do their best to match up hosts and guests, what considerations should organizers keep in mind when selecting guests to stay in your home?
published:Your scheulde is currently published and viewable on the front-page. Un-publishing the schedule will remove it from the front-page and show a list of proposed workshops instead.
un_published:Your schedule is not yet published. Publishing the schedule will replace the list of proposed workshops on the front-page with the schedule as it is shown below.
test:Please take a look at this preview to ensure that you want to send this email. Clicking ‘Test’ will send the email only to you. Only after that then the email will be set to %{send_to_count} people.
preview:Clicking ‘Send’ will send this message to %{send_to_count} people. Please confirm that you have verified that the test email sent to you is what you want to be sent.
bicycle_project_paragraph:'From collectives that use the bicycle as an excuse to change society, economy and the environment. Non-profit groups that have a community bike shops, cooperatives and other projects that promote the use of the bicycle and that come together to turn their communities into a place where riding is easier, more inclusive, safer and more fun. The list below uses the criteria found in the old Bicycle Organization Organization Project for what constitutes a community bike shop. The bike project need not meet all these criteria. Rather, it is a general list of qualities which are common among many bicycle projects.'
Who_is_Invited:You don’t have to be an expert or belong to a huge group, you just need to be willing to share what you know about organization, mechanics, social impact, addressing inequality, and increasing accessibility to cycling in your community.
Types_of_Workshops:Workshops are organized and run by attendees, they can be about anything that might concern community bicycle projects and can be in any format including presentations, hands-on workshops, discussion groups, and bicycle rides. If you would like to host your own workshop you can enter details after registering. What ends up in the final schedule and when they happen are decided on by the conference hosts.
Amenities:Traditionally conference hosts arrange shared accommodations, one to two meals a day, and bicycles will be available for registered attendees. However you should check the conference details on the current conference. More information on how you can arrange your own accommodation and other recommended places to visit should also be provided to you by the hosts on the conference page or in hard copy upon arrival.
What_is_BikeBike:Bike!Bike! is an international, annual gathering organized by and for community bicycle projects. The conference is a space for participants from shops and related advocacy groups to converge in a different city each year over a 4 day period to have workshops and strengthen our social network.
theme:Which of the themes below best match your workshop? This will help hosts to avoid scheduling conflicts. Select other if none of the options match in any way.
new_workshop: 'Workshops in the past have tended to fit into a few broad categories:structural/organizational (how to start a shop, how to register a non-profit, consensus decision making, etc,) mechanical (how to weld two tandems to a tall bike, building 3-speed hubs out of fishing tackle and old socks, etc,) anti-oppression (safe spaces, women’s workshops, etc,) and recreational (touring tips, yoga for cyclists, etc.) This year we would like to try a panel, a forum, or other types of settings that you think might facilitate learning – be inventive, let us know what you want to see!'
Workshops:Do you have an exciting skill to share with us? Want to chat about creating safe community spaces? Want to make sure we fit a good bike ride into the weekend? Propose a workshop! Don’t worry if you’re not an expert, we want to hear about everyone’s experience within the many configurations of community shops we’re coming from.
facilitate_request:Please tell the current workshop facilitators who you are, why you want to help facilitate the workshop, and how you think you will help make the workshop better. All of the current facilitators will be emailed and they may ask more questions before approving or denying your request. Please note that this will reveal your email address to the facilitators.
facilitate_request_sent:Your request has been sent. You will receive an email once your request is approved or denied or if the current facilitators have any questions.
languages:What language will the workshop be presented in? Will there be translations or translators available?
needs:If you need any of the following the conference organizers will do their best to make sure you have them. If you have any other requests, you can include them in the notes section.
needs_facilitators:Are you actively looking for help running this workshop? Anyone who is registered for the conference can request to facilitate at any time but checking this box will improve your chances of finding collaborators.
conference_registration:Looking to register or modify your current registration?
email_subscribe:Would you like to be notified about upcoming conferences? If you have registered for a conference we will always send you notifications and announcements until the conference.
description:This site has yet to be translated into %{language}. We are actively looking for volunteers who can translate existing copy and new copy as we add new features. If you think you can help, please contact us!
description:'An error has occurred, details about the error have been sent to our development team. In addition, you may contact us using the form below to let us better understand what happened and how you were affected.'
confirmed:You have successfully registered for %{conference_title}. You can modify your registration details, pay, or add workshops at any time by restarting the registration process. If you have yet to pay or add your workshops and plan to do so, we ask that you take care of it as soon as possible to help us prepare in advance of your arrival.
pre_confirmed:You have successfully pre-registered for %{conference_title}. We will let you know when registration is fully open and if there is any important news about the conference that you should know about. We encourage you to create or volunteer to facilitate workshops soon. You can do that, or change your registration details at any time by clicking on the pre-register link again.
request_denied:Your request to become a facilitator of ‘%{workshop_title}’ has been denied. If you think this was in error, you may contact the current facilitators by making another request to facilitate.